Mourning Dove, calls Along with others …. (American Goldfinch, American Crow, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, Ovenbird, White-eyed Vireo)

Whooping Crane, calls & Whooping Crane, calls

2121 N Leavitt St, Chicago, IL, 60647

24" x 70" / 40" x 30"

Pigment prints on paper and silk

$2,800 Mourning Dove / Whooping Crane $3,000

Artist’s Note: The Mourning Dove is a species that symbolizes both the hope for peace and at the same time acknowledges loss — The calls of this dove are haunting and very recognizable. Here the sound wave patterns are toned in the colors inherent to mourning doves and seen alongside calls from several other species — I see these vocalizations as all shouting out in disbelief of our shortsightedness and blindness to the violence that has become too prevalent in our midst.

The Whooping Crane is one of the most vulnerable bird species in the US - and all birds are threatened due to climate change and habitat destruction.

ART-IN-PLACE is organized by CNL Productions and Terrain Exhibitions.


Alice George


Ana Kim